Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat Night

Jack and Drew got to go Trick or Treating on Sat. night. Jack was a very active participant filling his entire bucket with candy. Our neighborhood turned out to be a great place to trick or treat. Drew was more of an observer but had lots of fun as usual. Drew refused to look at the camera for the obligatory costume mug shot. He was way more interested in the pumpkins and their lids.

Following Daddy back to the sidewalk.

When we were done trick or treating we returned home and sat on the front porch to pass out candy.

Again, Drew was way more interested in the pumpkins.

Every time someone would come up, Jack would say Trick or Treat! and give the kid a piece or two of candy.

He will choose a lollipop over chocolate every time

Drew didn't want to sit on Mommy's lap at all. He wanted to play on the stairs or with the pumpkins. I managed to get a cute pic with him though.

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