Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More Jack talk

Jack was spinning in circles in the living room today and said to me, "Mom look, I'm gettin busy" He then tried to walk forward and crumpled to the floor. I'm pretty sure he meant dizzy :)

Drew has had a pretty bad cold for the last week but is finally getting over it. I have to be vigilant about sippy cup swapping because the boys will just pick up the closest one and start drinking. Today Jack picked up Drew's cup and said, "Is this Jack's?" I said, "No that's Drew's." Jack then says, "Oh, I don't drink Drew's cup, I don't want to get worms." I'm hoping he meant germs.

Last night we went to the Thanksgiving story time at the library. I haven't had any time to grocery shop this weekend because Nick was taking his comps and I'm not taking two kids to the store. So after story time we went to McDonald's to pick up dinner. ( I know, again , no mother of the year awards here :) Jack got into his Cozy Coupe today and told me that he was going to lunch. He then wheeled himself behind the grill where I couldn't see him. I hear his little voice say, "Hi Welcome to McDonald's." He was using the space underneath the grill as his drive through window and he proceeded to order chickens, fries and chocolate milk. At least what Jack lacks in a proper diet, he makes up for with pretty good entertainment for his Mommy.

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