Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jack Talk

Last night at the dinner table, Nick asked Jack, "Can you tell us a story?" to which Jack replied, "No, Jack's really busy!"

When we tell Jack our little made up stories about him at night before bed, at the end of the story he says, "Mommy/Daddy that's a great story! I love it!" Then he gives us a round of applause. He can then retell the story back to us. They all begin with, "Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack".... and end with..." The End.

Every time we leave the house, Jack has to run through who is actually going out the door and into the car. "Mommy's coming, Jackie's coming, Baby Drew is coming, Daddy's coming, and Moxie is coming?" Mom says, "No, just Mommy and Jack are going today." He then revises his list and says. "Oh, just you and me! Jackie's coming, Mommy's coming and Moxie and Baby Drew have to stay home with Daddy. We have to get Moxie her treats! You almost forgot Mommy!"

Anytime I do something the least bit slowly, like getting Jack his milk at lunch he says, "You almost forgot Mommy."

1 comment:

E... said...

I love hearing O's version of the world -- sounds like Jack has a pretty clear way he's sorting his out as well!

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