Friday, November 27, 2009

Letter to Drew on His First Birthday

From the day you were born, you were such an easy baby. Though I had a planned c-section with you, you decided you wanted to come out just a bit earlier. Mommy was terrified that I'd have to go into surgery without your Daddy there but you held on until your Grandma C. got here to watch your big brother. You were a whopping 10 lbs. 11 oz. of baby boy. Your brother bestowed the nickname "Baby Drew" on you the day you were born when he came to visit you in the hospital. Though we had a tough few weeks of going back and forth to the hospital for your jaundice, you took it all in stride. Mommy hated to watch them poke your feet so many times but you mostly slept through it and hardly ever fussed.
You started smiling early and haven't stopped. Your cheesy "camera smiles" have been well documented by your Mommy and so have your laughs. I think your brother is the one that makes you laugh the hardest. You have always been a baby with something to say and to make sure you are heard you say it with the volume turned all the way up.
You have also always been very determined. If you set your mind to do something you won't stop until you have accomplished it. This determination has led you to crawl and walk at an early age and no matter how many times you fall, you get right back up and try again. You even tolerate your brother's constant attacks and never seem to be jaded by the many times he has caused you physical pain. You still look at him as if he is the greatest brother that ever lived.
It has been so fun to watch you grow from a chubby (and I do mean chubby) baby to a full-blown toddler in what seems like record time. You are the best little sleeper on the planet, minus the 3 a.m. wake-up calls your Mommy receives on a regular basis. You are also a great eater, eating everything on your plate before Mommy can even sit down to eat herself.
It seems that every day you are learning to say a new word or accomplish the next milestone. You are the best snuggler and give the best (and most disgusting) wet kisses on the planet. You already have a great sense of humor. You make Mommy laugh when you know you are doing something you aren't supposed to be doing ( like eating something off the ground) and you try to run or crawl away as fast as you can from me with that devilish look on your face.
You are completely independent at times, such as when you fall asleep on your own in your crib, or escape out the doggie-door to play by yourself in the dark on the patio. Other times the only thing you want is your Mommy and you cry and reach out to me so that I have no choice but to drop what I'm doing and hold you in my arms.
You have been a joy to this family this past year and will provide joy to those around you for the rest of your life. Even though you will grow-up faster than we could ever imagine, you will always be our little "Baby Drew."

1 comment:

kristib said...

Happy birthday, baby Drew!

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