Monday, November 9, 2009

Drew walking

Drew is quite the accomplished walker these days. Notice the white ball in his hand. Nick and I talked about how cute it was that he liked that ball and carried it around with him everywhere today. He even took it to bed with him and wouldn't let go of it. When he woke up from his nap, he was still playing with it. When I sat him down to eat dinner, I tried to take it away from him and he screamed. I then realized why, it was stuck on his thumb! I'm not sure when it got stuck but it appears to be stuck on his thumb in this video and that was about 4 hours before dinner. I could not get it off. His little thumb had swollen up so much that it was impossible to get off. I had to get a stick of butter and rub it on his thumb and twist the ball off. It eventually came off and Nick and I are pretty sure we won't be nominated for "Parents of the Year" anytime soon.

1 comment:

kristib said...

Destroy the evidence! He'll never remember it! (poor little guy...)

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