Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Deck Furniture finally!

Is it weird that I have zero recollection of what we did on Mon?  I guess we just cleaned house since Cameron was coming to babysit.  I went to the Mom's Club Banquet which was very nice.  I got a Sunflower and a Rose for being a new board member.  The kids loved the flowers.  Tues. the patio furniture arrived in the morning.  Then we went to Algonkian Park for Jack's preschool class play day.  Then we came home and I spent about 2 hrs. taking the furniture out of boxes and assembling.  The basketball hoop that I ordered for Jack arrived yesterday too, but it had to wait.  A good project for Fri. since we have nothing planned.  After Drew's failure to nap, we went to Home Depot to find a hose splitter so I could hook two up in the backyard for the party.  They were great there and then we went to the grocery store.  I told them if they behaved, they could have ice cream for dessert.  We didn't even get out of the fruit and vegetable section before I had to break up a fight and separate them.  So embarrassing!  I then stayed up preparing for Wed. party.  Here is the final product on the deck!

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