Saturday, September 26, 2009

What's new with Drew

Drew is way too mobile these days. He's everywhere and gets very frustrated when you try to keep him from going where he wants to go. Everything goes into this boy's mouth these days as well. He particularly likes the little leaves that fall off the tree that hangs over our patio. He puts them in his mouth and it looks like he has a little yellow tongue hanging out. He is pretty good with his fine motor skills. He can put balls into the holes of the dinosaur toy that we have and loves to help clean up toys. He grabs them one at a time and helps Jack when it's clean-up time. His top left front tooth is in and the right one is right behind it. He loves to give high-fives and thinks most everything this family does is a total riot. He's working on all of his sounds. New ones are Bah, and La. We just wish we had a volume control for him because everything tends to come out at rock concert level. Jack plugs his ears when he gets too loud. He can walk around the room while holding onto furniture and stand in the middle of the room on his own for a few seconds. It won't be long before he's taking off and we'll have a whole new level of head injuries to deal with.

1 comment:

kristib said...

"rock concert level" and "a whole new level of head injuries"...classic.

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