Thursday, September 17, 2009

Elbow kisses

Jack's bedtime routine is pretty much the same every night. We go upstairs, brush his teeth, open his window so he can see the moon (if it's out), read stories, turn off the lights and turn on his light show and music. Then he always says, "Mommy, sing me a song." I always ask him which one and he usually says, "The Moon Song." He really means Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star but calls it "The Moon Song" because there are pictures of moons and stars playing across his ceiling in his bedroom to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle. After his song, I tell him that I have to go but will see him in the morning. He raises his little elbows into the air and asks, "Mommy can I have elbow kisses?" and every night I kiss his elbows goodnight about five times each. I'm not really positive how this started to become routine (probably he became too independent and no longer wanted to kiss me goodnight, so I started kissing funny body parts to get my way) but it's a very sweet way to end the day with Jack.

1 comment:

E... said...

So cute. When O. was really little, J. used to read to him on the couch, and then each night they would look for the moon before J. took him up to bed. He still has a very involved bedtime ritual, and while it is often annoying, I try to remember how much I'll miss it when he just wants me to leave him alone. Just wish he'd pick a different song than Old MacDonald -- it's so darn long!

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