Monday, March 8, 2010

Drew's bedtime routine

Drew is very into his new bedtime routine. The minute I say it is time for bed, he starts waving to everyone and heads for the steps. He then waits for me to take down the gate and we head upstairs. I let him climb the first flight and then carry him the rest of the way. He then waves to everyone again from the landing and we head to his room. Once in his room he makes his way to the bathroom. If the door is shut he will beat on it until I open it.
I then load up his toothbrush (It's a penguin one that he got at the dentist), and sit him on the counter. I read him a couple of stories (Where's Elmo and Baby Faces usually) while he brushes then we rinse the toothbrush in the sink, get a drink of water and head to the bedroom to get into his PJ's (if he didn't take a bath that night) and read more stories. He picks them for me off the bookshelf, hands them to me and backs up into my lap very excited. His old/new favorite is 10 Little Lady Bugs. He likes to make all of the animal sounds that go with it (that Mommy made up as turtles and caterpillers don't usually make noise) and will usually request this one multiple times. Other favorites are Cookie Rhyme Time and Cookie See Cookie Do along with many others. Once story time is over I get his pacifier and blanket out of his crib and give them to him, turn on his music and lights rock him a bit and lay him down in his crib with a toy. He then usually plays until he falls asleep. Easiest kid to lay down to sleep ever!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

What a good boy. That sounds like a great routine too.

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