Sunday, August 1, 2010

Drew 20 months old

Drew is quite the character these days. His favorite things to do are swim, color/draw, watch movies with big brother, collect/sort things, push the toy box on wheels around the house, talk, laugh, play in the basement, shoot baskets, go for rides in the car, exploring the backyard, stroller rides and feeding animals (mostly Moxie). He can string three words together. Today he said, "Ready, Daddy, watch" and then he spun around until he got dizzy and fell to the ground. If someone is laughing at something he joins in and then looks at us and says, "Funny!" Whenever Jack gets into trouble he looks at us and says, "Bratty?" We have to say, yes Jack is being bratty. He loves to point to things and say their names, if he doesn't know it he wants us to tell him. He can count to three on his own. He's certain that all letters of the alphabet are the letter, "B." He knows the colors: orange, pink, blue and green. If you ask him if he wants to do something like, get out of his crib in the morning he will say "No!" I then ask him, "Why not?" He just shrugs his shoulders and says, "Cuz" and then smiles because he knows he just said something funny. He loves to make happy and sad faces. I'll say "Happy!" and he'll lift his head up and smile. Then I'll say, "Sad," and he lowers his head and pouts. He likes to do this about 50 times in a row. When he is hungry he will ask for a "nack" or "Joo." The last couple of weeks he has started finishing words that end in "S" or "K" sounds. "Jah" is now "Jack" and "buh" is now "bus" and so on. He likes to help Mommy take out the recycling and trash. He likes to help stir whatever Mommy is making in the kitchen and he likes to clean up his toys. He still sleeps like a champ which allows Mommy to be well-rested and in a better mood since I don't do caffeine most mornings. He's starting to show signs of the terrible twos with his "No"s that he learned from big brother and whining oh the whining! I can't tell if there is something wrong with him or if he just constantly needs to be making noise. He even does it in his sleep forcing Mommy to turn down the monitor. It's not all the time though. Most times he is a happy go-lucky kid who doesn't have a care in the world. He's growing up so fast! Pretty soon he's going to be taking over Jack's bed and I won't have a crib in the house anymore :( Which is good and bad for Mommy.

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