Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Working boys

Drew disappeared for a few minutes. When I found him, he was in the laundry room sitting in a basket and taking the clothes out of the dryer. Jack of course had to join him when he saw what was going on.
I on the other hand was trying to get them ready to go to the pool. This process takes about an hour. By the time I get their swim diapers and trunks on, chase them (mostly Drew) around the house with the sunscreen making sure they are covered head to toe, shoes and shirts, pack a bag with the essentials, pack the cooler with lunch, put Moxie into her cage, give her some treats, get the kids in their car seats, get the stroller and pool gear into the trunk, and drive to the pool. Not to mention me getting ready myself. The payoff is definitely worth it. They are entertained for hours and always take a good nap upon our return home :)

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