Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Drew's new words

Drew has started to notice the airplanes going over the house while we are playing outside. He points to the sky vigorously and yells, "Pay!" His word for plane.

Today we were leaving the house and Jack said, "Bye-bye Moxie." Drew then followed with "Bah bah Mah" His version of what Jack said. :)

Drew was sitting on the couch in the basement with Mr. Brown Can Moo in his lap. He was turning the pages and making all of the sounds that the pictures represent himself. Jack then joined in. It was a proud Mommy moment for me that both of my boys like books enough to look at them without me.

Lately whenever I ask Drew a question the answer is simply, "No." I didn't think they learned this until much later. :( He's usually smiling when he says it though so I think he's just being a stinker.

Other words, "Snack," "Juice," "Soft," "Car," "Bus," "Book," "Hot," "Bat," "Pee Pee," "Poop," and "Crib"

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