Friday, February 5, 2010

Fun at Grandma and Papa's

After Christmas this year we had an extended visit with Grandma and Papa Gregor. Nick and I enjoyed actually getting out to see our first movie together in two years. The kids enjoyed spending time with their grandparents. Jack especially liked hanging out with Grandpa. Grandpa took him to the store, out to lunch and to the race track to see the horses. Jack talked about that for a long time afterward. Drew enjoys any and all attention he can get so was in hog heaven with Grandma.
Drew trying out Daddy's earphones. He had actually put them in his ears but of course ripped them out before I could get the picture. Notice he's hiding behind the chair and tree.

Jack and Drew love playing trucks together on any hard surface. Jack is enjoying a Popsicle in this picture.

Drew cruising the back yard

Now following big brother

Drew loved to sit and rock with his Grandma. What a great way to drift off to sleep :)

Drew with Santa boots on. He loved to go into this hallway and shut the door and run his fingers over the vent. It made a really cool noise.

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