Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mommy's bad memory

Every time Jack says something funny I think, I really need to write these things down. Of course I'm either driving in the car or juggling Drew up the stairs to bed. By the time I actually sit at the computer to write them down I draw a complete blank. Here are the ones that I can remember if I try really hard.

I apparently said something funny in the car while driving to the mall the other day. Jack started laughing really hard and said, "Mommy, you're killing me."

It was the night before Drew's birthday and we had to go to the commissary to pick up the cake. I was running around trying to remember to take what I needed and Jack kept saying, "C'mon Mommy, let's GO." I kept saying, "Just a minute Jack, Mommy is almost ready." He stood by the door and threw his hands in the air and said, "Mommy, you're making me crazy!"

The other night we were on our way up to bed and Jack leaned over the railing to tell Daddy one last story. Daddy was reading and didn't look up right away. Jack noticed he wasn't paying attention and said, "Daddy, look in my eyes, look in my eyes." Something we make Jack do when he isn't listening.

Nick was throwing away a milk container into the trash instead of recycling. I told him, "Don't put that in the trash, rinse it out and recycle it." To which Nick jokingly replied, "Don't tell me what to do." Jack was sitting at the table and said, "Daddy that's back talk, you don't talk back to Mommy." That's right little man ;)

We were at Target last night picking out a birthday gift for his friend David. Jack was having a blast looking at all of the toys. He was pretty sure that Santa was going to get him all of them. Two little boys walked down the aisle and Jack quickly went up to them and told them, "No, don't touch anything!"

I put lights up in Jack's window and Jack said, "Oh look Mommy, Sprinkle lights." I'm guessing he meant twinkle lights but they weren't even blinking.

That's all for now, more the next time my memory kicks in. :)

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