Monday, March 7, 2011

Letter to Drew on His Second Birthday

To Drew on your 2nd Birthday,
Drew, you have turned from a baby into a full blown toddler this past year. You love exploring your surroundings and have made yourself quite comfortable in a place you call “my home” every time we pull into the driveway. You’ve learned to go up and down the stairs all by yourself (usually while carrying 10 things at once). You went from speaking one to two words at a time to full blown sentences. You are almost always happy but when you aren’t you let everyone else around you know it. You can whine and cry like a champ.
You have always been very accident prone but this year you took it to a whole new level by falling down stairs and landing on your face (repeatedly). I have many pictures to remind us of the painful steps it took to learn to walk and go down the stairs. You are now running and kicking balls and giving Jack a run for his money in sports.
You have one of the best laughs I’ve ever heard. It’s a deep guttural laugh that grabs the attention of everyone around you and is very contagious. Everywhere we go people comment on how adorable you are. You are very expressive and a bit of a prankster as well. You LOVE to scare Mommy by jumping out from behind doors, or just yelling “Raaar!” really loudly. You almost always have a smile on your face and are very sensitive to the moods of others. If you sense that I am sad about something, you will come up and give me a hug and then say, “Mommy happy now? No sad?”
Your favorite shows are Wow Wow Wubbzy, Scooby-Doo and Mater Tall Tales. Your new favorite thing to do is jump. Specifically, you like to jump off of things, like tables, chairs, steps, playground equipment. I’m amazed that most times you manage to actually land on your feet.
You are the most loving child I’ve ever seen. If someone is sad, you immediately try to give them a hug. It’s so cute when you do this with your brother Jack. I can tell that you two really like each other and love playing and watching shows together. You love to share the recliner and your new bean bag chairs. You are always telling me that you love me and giving me great big hugs and kisses. You like to do everything yourself these days and are so proud when you can do something as simple as taking your coat off by yourself. Your Daddy and I are enjoying every minute of your childhood and are looking forward to many more years of Drew stories to come.


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