Saturday, October 16, 2010

Drew 22 months old

This child cracks me up on a daily basis. Just look at these pics, they say it all. He's so expressive and he never stops talking/making noise. When he wakes up in the morning he calls to me through the baby monitor, "Mom, Mommy, Mama, Mom, etc.." then will sit a play in his crib quietly until I come and get him. The other morning I awoke to, "Mommy, Mommy! Garby! Here!! Trash! Mommy!" He was so excited to see the garbage truck out his window. When I go in to get him he immediately tells me what he wants for breakfast. It's usually juice and pancakes or waffles. He and Jack usually wake up at the same time but if for some reason Jack is sleeping in, Drew tries to sneak in and wake him up. He really loves his older brother.
Drew used to sleep with a pacifier and a blanket. He started chewing holes in his "fires" as he calls them and would tell me that they were, "Yuck!" So I went with it and said, "You are right, they are yuck!" Then I threw them in the garbage. He went cold turkey. He cried the first day without them for about an hour and twenty minutes. I just kept going up to remind him that they were "Yuck" now and gone. The next day he cried for about 20 minutes and the day after not at all! They are now gone! He still has his "Greebee" which is what he calls his blanket. He actually has two, one is a bear and the other is a frog and he likes to tell me which is which in the morning when I get him. He likes to take them in the car, and for rides in the stroller and sits with them at the table. If I take them away though he doesn't really fuss so he's not too attached.
When anyone comes home after being out for a while he calls out our name "Mommy home!" and gives us a great big bear hug around the legs. If its Jack, he gets the full on hug since they are at a similar level. It's very cute. Drew is also always asking me for a "Kiss, Hug?" He puckers up and then gives a very tight hug around the neck. Everything is "One more?" Kisses, hugs, stories, snacks you name it he always wants just one more.
He has to carry about 10 things in his hands at once which is fine except that he also goes down the steps this way not holding onto a thing. It's only a matter of time until he falls so I usually try to go down backwards so I can catch him if he does. He loves to run and play outside. He likes slides, swings and anything he can climb. He's a stinker about eating his vegetables these days and has an obsession with chocolate and marshmallows. He's also discovered raisins and it's cute to watch him sit and eat out of his little raisin box. He has entered the age of Wow Wow Wubbzy and requests it when it's time for his show. It's the only one he really wants to watch. He'll tell you all the character's names, "Wubbzy, Widget, Walden, Daisy" and is very proud that he can do so. He's the messiest eater I've ever seen and just seems to like getting dirty in general. He loves puzzles and books and is usually carrying a book around with him. He loves to brush his teeth, take baths, color/draw and play with playdough. I'm enjoying my alone time with him while Jack is at preschool. It won't be long before they are both in school and I have to go back to work so I'm trying to enjoy every minute of being a stay-at-home Mom even though most days I want to pull out my hair from the frustration of it all:) The stink eye! He does this often.

He's such a ham!

Closed eye cheese!

Silly boy

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