Thursday, April 1, 2010

What's new with Drew

Drew has more words in his vocabulary than I can possibly list. Though he usually only says the first part of the word. He most recently learned to say "Jack" though it just comes out "Jaaaa!" and he's usually yelling it. He said it the first time on his own with no prompting at Sports Bounce to get his attention. Ones I can think of the he recently learned are "Moxie (Ma)," "vacuum (dacu)," "shirt," "shoe," "boot," "toe," "Elmo (Mo)," "knock knock (while knocking on something)," "cow," "crib," "snack," and "juice." I'm sure there are more, I really need to start writing them down as I have a bad case of Mommy brain and can never remember when the time comes to record it. He can do most animal noises and pretends to snap his fingers when music comes on. When he gets really excited about something his entire body shakes and he says, "OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!" He loves to play peak-a-boo. He covers his eyes with his little hands and then takes them off and says "Boo!" followed by lots of giggles. He's still the happiest baby I've ever seen though if you take him away from doing something he will scream a bit, but is easily distracted seconds later, just like his Mommy!

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