Monday, February 15, 2010

Drew, say, "Cheese"

This is the face that Drew gives when asked to say "Cheese". Head tilted back, eyes squinched up, and a big toothy grin. He loves wearing things around his neck. He's always putting blankets and towels around his neck. I think a cape might be in order for this little one. He wore my scarf all night after dinner once until I had to take it off for bed. His vocabulary is increasing, he now says, ball ("ba") dog ("da") bubbles ("bu ba") baby ("bebe") peak-a-boo (boo), Drew (only shouts it) two (also shouting), Mama and Dada of course and makes sounds, Ha Ha, and La La. When you ask him if he is ready for bed, he will give you a big fake yawn and lie down on the ground. He knows "up" and "down" and will demonstrate for you by standing and sitting, he can follow most commands that you give him. He loves to pretend to vacuum with Mommy and still plays trucks like a champ.

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