Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jack was practicing driving his fire truck backwards while Drew was teaching himself to walk. Jack is definitely a handful these days but does say the funniest things sometimes. The other day I let Jack stand on a chair next to the stove while I was cooking dinner and he decided that he wanted to help. I asked him what he was going to cook and he grabbed the pepper shaker, put it in the toaster oven, waited a few seconds, took it out and then announced, "The pepper is ready!"

When he isn't listening to Mommy he gets sent to time out. After he comes out of time out he says, "OK, Mommy, now I will listen for you."

We were getting out of the car today and Jack asked me if I would hold his hand because, "The cars are coming. I don't want to get hit by a car and die. Have you been hit by a car Mommy?" I said, "No Mommy has never been hit by a car because I always held my Mommy or Daddy's hand while crossing the street." I know I've never told him that he might die if he gets hit by a car and Nick says he didn't either. Hmmm.........

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